Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Butterfly Effect (2012)

The 'Butterfly Effect', termed by Edward Lorenz in the 1960's is a complex chain of mathematics that illustrates the concept of 'sensitive dependence upon initial conditions.'

The Butterfly is both the beginning and the end of another complex chain, metamorphoses.

Can the same be said of the twist in the tale regarding the lives of the citizens of this island over the last number of years.   From the economic miracles of the 'Celtic Tiger' era, when Ireland was the envy of the world,  to an economic meltdown that is going to effect us from many generations to come.

Mixed Media, Mahogany Chair, Butterflies, Wishbones. (2012)

Still Image

Still Image

Proces Du Hero's (2012)

Mixed Media: Mahogany table, shoe stretchers, text book.

S..t Happens (2012)

Mixed Media - Mahogany bidet, mirror glass, minks, a pheasants wing.

Under Watchful Eyes (2012)

Troika - A Russian word for three of a kind, also a Russian vehicle drawn by three horses abreast, for us a tripartite to manage our financial affairs.